FOOD, DRINKS AND RESTROOM: Certain Balcony locations do provide some drink refreshment and or food items or snacks, depending on the particular balcony; however, the drink options are limited usually to sodas and or water and juices; no alcohol is served or allowed to be brought in. Consider as you might with any modern sports arena or stadium, when you wish a drink or food items, you step out to a concession stand; in the same way you can step off the balcony and exit the shop to spend time in one of the many bars and or cafes that just outside the Campo for your food, wine or other alcohol refreshments. With either (apartments or balcony) access to a restroom is either directly in the adjoining space or just outside the space.
ADDITIONAL INFO: Ticket positions are in the shaded sections of the campo. The time to be in your reserved ticket position is by 4:45 pm; in most instances the race/event will be over by 8:15 pm. The historical parade begins in the campo just after 5:00 pm (a little earlier in August). The historical parade lasts approx 2 hours. The race gets ready to begin after the parade is completed.