FOOD, DRINKS AND RESTROOM: The grandstand seats (bleachers or ‘palco‘ as they are called) do not provide refreshments or access to a restroom, as the restaurants and or bars in the buildings behind the grandstand seating are not open during the time of the Palio. Only before and after the time of the parade/race are they open for business. With Grandstand seats we suggest visiting your favorite bar and cafe to enjoy a pre-race drink and or snack; as well as take car of any bathroom needs. Depending on security measures in place, you are permitted to bring your own beverages in plastic bottles. Possibly some light food is also permitted, but in either case these items cannot be carried in coolers or other large containers.
ADDITIONAL INFO: Ticket positions are in the shaded sections of the campo. The time to be in your reserved ticket position is by 4:45 pm; in most instances the race/event will be over by 8:15 pm. The historical parade begins in the campo just after 5:00 pm (a little earlier in August). The historical parade lasts approx 2 hours. The race gets ready to begin after the parade is completed.